Take action

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla cursus magna at arcu fermentum, nec gravida nulla pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer enim nisl, feugiat a consectetur non, facilisis at est. Aliquam aliquam turpis elit, id pulvinar lectus ullamcorper vitae. Aliquam vulputate arcu leo, volutpat pellentesque augue cursus in. Sed augue nunc, porta sed dignissim sed, vestibulum eget quam. Quisque ultrices ante nunc, non luctus tellus egestas eget. Maecenas in leo finibus, ultrices enim iaculis, cursus justo. Praesent nec cursus arcu. Aenean finibus massa in ante accumsan, sagittis consectetur elit fringilla.


Each year XYZ unfairly disadvantages thousands of Australians and costs taxpayers millions of dollars. Help us put a stop to this by sending a message to our politicians demanding that they stop XYZ.

Thanks for your support!


We've reached our goal of 500 supports.

To stop XYZ we need your help. Donate to our campaign so we can get the message out and mobilise more supporters.

We need to raise $2,000.


Already $1,230 of $2,000 donated.

Help us stop XYZ by signing the petition.

We will be presenting our petition to the Prime Minister on the steps of Parliament House on 22 May 2016 as part of our national day of action.

We need 10,000 signatures.


Already 3,570 of 10,000 signed the petition.

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